Think the flea threat is over with cold
weather approaching –- think again!
With winter coming and colder
temperatures with it, many fleas will die off. Once temperatures
drop below 37 degrees Fahrenheit fleas start to freeze, but it can
take up to 10 consecutive days of temperatures below 37 degree before
fleas outside die. If day time temperatures exceed 37 degrees the
fleas can survive and remain active.
Fleas are crafty and often find ways to
survive the cold. The body heat of outside animals provide a safe
haven for fleas even in the coldest weather. Micro-environments is
another way fleas survive the winter. Outside animals often seek
warmth up near foundations, under porches and in mulch beds. In
these areas the temperature may not drop below 37 degrees and the
fleas remain active. If your curious pet explored these areas, they
may be the next hot meal for the fleas and can transport them into
your home, only to thrive in the warm environment. Form theses areas
fleas may find their way into your home through cracks in the
foundation or other small openings.
So with cold weather the flea risk may
diminish but it is not gone. To prevent flea infestation in your
home we recommend using flea control products like Frontline Plus,
Revolution or NexGard all year long.